Reviews of
News Parade

“Clark’s accomplishments in News Parade are the more impressive because he labors under a set of disadvantages not of his own making… Like his “heroes of the lens,” however, Clark is undaunted, and his own triumph as a newsreel hunter is that he has returned from the field with so many newsworthy items—and without faking a single shot.”

~Thomas Doherty, Cineaste (Spring 2021)

“This book goes a long way toward raising the profile of the newsreel—a key strand of cinema history that has not received the coherent historical coverage it deserves… Though the newsreel was soon eclipsed by broadcast news and other nearer and faster technologies, Clark’s book should long remain a go-to resource for this interesting and important communication medium.” [Summing Up: Essential. All readers.]

~K. M. Flanagan, CHOICE (Vol. 58 No. 4)

“With historians returning at last to the neglected institution of the newsreel, Joseph Clark’s News Parade becomes the key study of this significant element of cinema experience, journalism, and media industries. Lucidly written, it deftly conveys the enormity of six decades of newsfilm production and thousands of hours of surviving footage. This book is the most significant history of American newsreels published in the last fifty years.”

~Dan Streible, New York University

“Sophisticated and accessible, with a depth and range that lends an impressive resonance, News Parade quickly convinced me that the study of the newsreel is a vital topic in the analysis of American culture. In Joseph Clark’s hands, the emergence of spectatorship as a formative dimension of collective identity in the modern world is made clear and articulated in a wide variety of specific historical and social contexts.”

~ Robert Burgoyne, author of Film Nation: Hollywood Looks at U.S. History
